Real Poker Club
Online gambling has gained extreme popularity and gamblers now prefer playing from the comfort of their home rather than visiting the typical casino centers. Real Poker Club is a well known reputable site that allows its players to have real casino experience from the comfort of their home.
The site has a wide variety of exciting games marked with amazing other casino features. The site can be browsed by people from different countries as it supports four different languages – English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese with Italian being the primary language.
There are several deposits and withdrawal methods in order to impart the players a high level of convenience and comfort. The site has a top notch customer care desk available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
The staffs at the customer care desk are extremely knowledgeable and friendly and always ready to clear all sorts of customer queries. The website of Real Poker Club has been designed logistically.
It has an impressive layout with an interesting design. All tabs are well designed and categorized with relevant information included in a streamlined manner. The site loads at a rapid pace as there are no flashy or pop up ads.
Accepting US Credit Cards:
Bonus Info:
Real Poker Club offers a plethora of bonuses and promotions to its valuable customers. There are special monthly and day bonuses with extremely rewarding benefits.
Payment Options:
Visa card, master card, neteller, money bookers, Visa electron, Maestro, click to pay, click and buy, pay safe card, ukash
Supported languages:
English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Customer Support:
Real Poker Club has an efficient customer care and players can clear all their queries instantly. The customer care staffs are available 24/7 and can be contacted through email or live support.
Name of Company: Timisun SRL
Software: Not Available
Licensed At: Romania
Affiliate Program:
Not Available